March 2023 News

March 15th, 2023

Attn Juniors: Interested in Attending Boys or Girls State?

Any 11th grade student who is interested in attending Boys or Girls State can complete the application located at the following links. Completed applications, which must be accompanied by a short introduction video, are due by Wednesday, March 22nd.

Boys State:

Girls State:

March 13th, 2023

Spring Credit Recovery Contract and Schedule


Credit Recovery Contract

Credit Recovery Schedule

March 2nd, 2023

RHS Playhouse Presents “That’s Not How I Remember It”

The Rossview Playhouse presents the play “1986” by Don Zolidis on March 16-18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Theatre.  All are welcome and tickets can be purchased for $5 at

March 2nd, 2023

Representatives from the Local Air Force Firefighters Visit the Fire Management Classes

Lieutenant Salazar, a representative from the local Air Force Firefighters, shared resources with Mr. Slaughter’s Fire Management Classes on Thursday March 2.  Lieutenant Salazar shared her perspective on the firefighting jobs along with other jobs such as flying drones.  Lieutenant Salazar flies drones all over the world.  Airman LeFlore is in security and wants to go into CIA/FBI one day.  It was a great day for the students to hear their stories.