College and Career Readiness Week was once again a success for our Seniors. We do good work at Rossview and what we do matters!
September 2019 News

College and Career Readiness Week
September 17th, 2019
ACT Schedule for October 1
See schedule details for students taking the ACT on Tuesday, October 1.
September 17th, 2019
“The Happiest Homecoming On Earth”
Details for homecoming week, football game, sweetheart ceremony, crowning of court, parade and dance.
September 15th, 2019
College Visits at RHS September 16-19
The following college reps will be visiting during lunch (11:00 – 12:45) this week:
MTSU-Monday, Sept 16
South College-Tuesday, Sept 17
UT Martin -Wednesday-Sept 18
Vanderbilt-Wednesday-Sept 18
APSU-Thursday-Sept 19
September 13th, 2019
RHS Homecoming Week 2019
See all the dates and times of all festivities happening the week of RHS Homecoming from Monday September 23 – Saturday September 28.

Rossview Football v. Wilson Central
Rossview Football played Wilson Central on Friday, September 6, 2019. Unfortunately the Hawks came up short losing by a score of 14-20.

Rossview Honored as Award School by Senator Bill Powers
On Friday, September 6, Senator Bill Powers visited Rossview and presented a proclamation to pay tribute to all of Rossview for being honored as a reward school. The proclamation states that “the administration, faculty, and staff of Rossview High School have built an environment that ensures students have the very best atmosphere for learning”. The proclamation is framed and placed in the front foyer as a reminder of Rossview’s accomplishment.

JCL Nationals 2019
When competing in academics, students are placed against others only in their level of Latin. Every Rossview student who attended convention placed in the top ten in the nation on an academic test. When competing in art, students are judged against others in their grade level.