AP Exams May 11-22, 2020
Click the link to review the 5 Steps to Get Ready.
AP Exams May 11-22, 2020
Click the link to review the 5 Steps to Get Ready.
Hello RHS Family
Soseul Park https://youtu.be/l3qimJWur5o
On Friday, May 15th, all seniors will turn in any items checked out to them with the exception of laptop computers. Examples of items students will need to return this day are: textbooks, library books, JROTC uniforms, sports uniforms, and any other item checked out in their name. If items are not returned, students will be held financially liable for them. If seniors have items they need to retrieve from their lockers, there will be a separate line where staff will be on hand to retrieve those items from lockers.
During this time, seniors will also be picking up graduation yard signs and honor cords. Below is the schedule that will be used for seniors to drop off and retrieve items. Due to the volume of students it is important that students arrive during their assigned window of time on Friday, May 15th.
7:30-9:00 A-C
9:00-10:30 D-H
10:30-11:30 I-L
12:00-1:30 M-P
1:30-3:00 Q-S
3:00-4:30 T-Z
It is also very important all students and parents stay in their vehicles at all times. The material collection process will begin at the front entrance of the school where the front office is located. From this point, expect to follow the flow of traffic around the building to visit several stations to obtain senior items. You will need to bring your own pen for completing an inventory sheet prior to turning in items. Please have items out and ready to hand to staff when requested. It is very important that students or parents do not exit vehicles and adhere to the guidance provided by the staff.
Laptop computers will be collected by the technology staff during the week of May 25th. More information about turning in laptops and obtaining diplomas is forthcoming.
Hello RHS Family
Victoria Malone https://drive.google.com/file/d/11PlCspN7HVHNEV1SESLFhwdAIkO97_0x/view?usp=sharing or https://youtu.be/oZMNbpSntzw
Lauren Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBLzL3wXBzU
Margaret Dickens https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NRnxGq2IaeTQMFvxtJe_J69HZq60tHF7/view?usp=sharing or https://youtu.be/e4q1QcvH1rE
Vic Shelton https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-MNr3LiApZhOa-nYBfER8pdXNyQLObaE/view?ts=5e837758
Hello from
Pollyanna Parker https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x1rO8uUJnmB0x15tRk5zvHNv-ZEDvJ2A/view?ts=5e825d1a or https://youtu.be/FobNYBESRzY
Terry Teeter https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t6pTHUyZW2l2fShqYFJESqhpeLTA9KAV/view or https://youtu.be/3lEOm8AqukE
Two-Week Session: May 6- May 20, 2020
Format: Students work at home through an online program.
Cost: Free
Credit: Students have the opportunity to make up a semester’s class in a core content area (Math, English, Science, or Social Studies).
Materials: Students must have access to Wi-Fi and technology to complete assigned lessons.
Hello from
Sandra Black https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sJLuyfBkcdswXfNb6h02ye1ecn6Q8uSP/view?ts=5e825597
Erin Wardell https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FHnDur00roeKLOvCnHVpc5RIlqG2G_hb/view?ts=5e825763 or https://youtu.be/qOYcW-l-IhY
Congratulations to Rossview High Senior Charlotte Lange who was selected as one of Tennessee High School’s semifinalists for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.
Hello from:
Luellyn Wilcox https://drive.google.com/open?id=15hxzGvblRQeBeDvvmzd5MlNdnO6nV7bJ
Shandy Shirk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EANpWbQS_CUOQ2QWPYvGuoFkovRaeBDT/view or https://youtu.be/MOxiWpi4FkQ