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I would like to welcome all parents/guardians and students to Rossview High School. My name is Jeanette Shehy and I teach English I and Honors English 1. I am very excited to be teaching your student this year and I am enthusiastic about what this year holds. Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns!

I believe that each student is unique and special in his or her own way and given the proper environment can grow and mature immensely. I strive to help all students reach their full potential by creating an environment that is secure and caring and is never hostile or demeaning. I also guide and challenge students by using a variety of teaching methods and materials that encourage personal exploration and self-improvement through the sharing of ideas.
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The following supplies are REQUIRED EVERYDAY for this class:

  • Textbook (issued by the school)
  • 2 composition notebooks
  • Plenty of pencils
  • Highlighters (at least 4 different colors)
  • Headphones or earbuds
  • Multiple rolls of scotch tape.

The following supplies are RECOMMENDED for this class and donations are greatly appreciated:

  • Tissues/Kleenex
  • Clorox Wipes/Hand Sanitizer
  • Extra Pencils
  • Extra Scotch Tape
  • Extra Highlighters
  • Extra Composition Notebooks

Teachers Pay Teachers Wish List:

Amazon Wish List:


  • Be Responsible for your own learning (keep up with assignments and absent work).
  • Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn EVERY DAY!
  • Keep all electronic devices put away.
  • Respect the teachers, the classroom, and other students.
  • Follow all RHS policies.



It is important for all students to follow the classroom/school rules and procedures. Disruptions to the learning environment not only make it difficult for the teacher to teach, they make it difficult for the other students to learn.

  • Verbal Warning
  • Parent Contact/After-School Detention with Teacher *Students will have at least 24 hours notice (I usually try to schedule detentions within a 5 day period of the infraction)—if a student skips their detention, they will receive a discipline referral.
  • Discipline Referral/Parent Contact

NOTE: Some offenses require an immediate discipline referral (profanity, cell phone violations, possession of zero-tolerance items, assault or threatening assault, etc. Please see the code for student conduct for more details.) 

Classroom Books