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Hello, Hawks! I have over 10 years of experience in education and am now in my 2nd year here at Rossview. I am a University of AL- Birmingham alumnae and mom to a young son and 2 small dogs. I grew up Air Force and married Army, so I understand the military life and have been fortunate enough teach in 5 different states. I love to travel, so I truly enjoy exploring and learning from different communities. I’m excited to be a part of the Hawk family and look forward to a great school year!
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1st: Planning

2nd: Physical Science

3rd: Physical Science

4th: Physical Science

5th: Biology

6th: Biology

7th: Biology

  1. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
  2. Bring required materials to every class, unless told otherwise by the teacher.
  3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  4. Attend to personal needs before coming to class.
  5. Set all electronic devices to silent and keep them out of sight, unless told otherwise by the teacher.
  6. Treat everyone and their property respectfully.
  7. Always do your best!

Classroom Books